February, 19

Teel SBH’sse, kuhu me Jaaniga jalutasime, leidsime Oskari oma tänava ja veel ühe huvitava märgi!

On our way to SBH, where me and Jaan were walking to, we found a street for Oskar and another interesting sign!

Kellegi kaunis väravaesine.

Someone’s beautiful front gate.

Vaated Minna-Todenhagen-Brücke sillalt.

The view from Minna-Todenhagen-Brücke bridge.

SBH katuseviirg.

The SBH’ windows.

Lõuna kebabi tänavatoidu kohas, mid asub Schöneweide kaubamajas. Olen eelnevalt ka nende pool kana söönud, mis oli mahlane ja lihtsalt imeline. Ega kebab ka alt ei vedanud, muidugi.

Lunch at a kebab streetfood, which is located at Schöneweide mall. We have ate there once before already, where I ate half a chicken, which was juicy and just simply amazing. Kebab didn’t fail to impress either.

Veel vaateid sillalt meie tagasiteel.

More views from the bridge on our way back.

February, 17

Pühapäev. Sandral tuli idee minna lähedalasuvasse sushirestorani sööma. Ideest sai ka mõnus ja päikeseline varakevadine jalutuskäik.

Sunday. Sandra suddenly had an idea to go and have lunch at nearby sushi restaurant. From idea grew out something good – nice and sunny walk in the sun of early spring.

Avastasime, et krookused ja muud kaunid kevadlilled olid oma nupud mullast välja harutanud ja oma pisikesed näolapid päikesesse avanud.

We discovered that crocuses and other variety of gorgeous springflowers had sprung out their bodies from the soil and opened up their little faces towards the sun.

Lähedalasuvas metsapargis leidsin endale paar sõpra – jänesepoisi ja kellegi rohelise käe. Hiljem sai neist tore teetähis, et oleme õigel teel koju.

At nearby forest park, I found couple of my friends – a rabbitboy and someone’s green hand. Later it became a cute milestone that we are on a right way home.



Siis kui teistest maha jääd…

When you are left behind…

Püüdes kiiri. 🌞

The catcher of rays.

Üritasime aru saada, mida see märk näitab. Vastus jäi ikka saamata, kuid lõbusaks tegi olukorra see, milliseid teooriaid me välja mõtlesime.

We tried to figure out what this sign says. The question was still left in the air, but the fun part of it was to figure out different theories about it.

Päeva lõpp kulmineerus fantastilise päikeseloojanguga!

The end of the day surprised us with amazing sunset!

February, 09

Seiklus Tiergarten‘is koos Jaaniga. Niiiiiiiiiiiiiii lahe ja ilus park! Me tõenäoliselt ei käinud 10% läbi, sest see on hiiglaslik lihtsalt! Kindlasti lähen tagasi!

Adventuretime in Tiergarten with Jaan. This place is just sooooooooo cool and beautiful. We probably didn’t even walk through 10%, because this park is gigantic.

February, 02

Ûks kift üllatus poodi minekul.

One specially cute surprise during our way to the store.

January, 31

Kui on isu mereannipasta järele, siis tuleb teha!

When you are hungry after seafood pasta, you just have to make some!

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